Why You Should Invest in Professional Lawncare Service

Lawncare Experts in Dutchess County and Surrounding Area Provide Results

new sod installation completed with mown lawn

Your lawn is a lot more than just a pretty view. They are actually your first line of defense for your home. Professional lawncare services are an essential investment in your property.  Healthy lawns protect your home from a wide range of issues from mold to erosion and more. At Landwork Contractors, lawn specialists work with you to find the best lawn solutions to fit your budget and protect your yard. Here are just a few reasons why it’s a good idea to invest in your lawn. 

Protect Against Pests, Disease, and Decay- Healthy grass lowers erosion and mildew issues while keeping bugs and disease away.  Termites, fungus, and damp areas can soon turn your home into a rotting disaster. When you dedicate time and money towards your lawn it creates a shield outside damage. 

Early Action for Erosion and Drainage Issues

Dutchess County Lawn Care

Lawn care professionals in Dutchess County, NY know how to spot issues before they destroy your home. Poor drainage and heavy erosion can quickly kill a yard. These issues can also create structural issues and damage your home. The worst part is that you may not even know where the problems are coming from. As part of our routine services, Landwork Contractors will regularly check your soil for soggy areas or silty deposits. If we find any issues, we can correct them swiftly with erosion solutions like retaining walls and drainage services

Save Time and Money- Weeding, fertilizing, seeding, watering, mowing, and trimming your lawn require a lot of time and equipment. Hiring a professional lawn maintenance expert will save you a lot of money in the long run. They’ll bring their own equipment so you save space on storage. Letting experts, like Landwork Contractors, take care of the job will save you hours every week on yard work. 

Lawn Care Professionals Know How To Water Lawns

What’s so hard about watering a lawn, right? Wrong. Providing the right amount of water at the right time is the foundation for a healthy lawn. Your trusted lawn maintenance expert will include a carefully planned watering schedule to bring out the best in your lawn. They’ll make sure your lawn is getting the correct amount of water based on location, erosion issues, and local weather. 

Specialized Care

Not all lawns are the same. Each patch of grass has specific needs for care, nourishment, and protection. A professional lawn service will be able to craft a lawn care plan that focuses on your lawns needs and the goals you have for your yard. 

What Should Be Included in My Lawn Maintenance Plan?

If you don’t know where to start, don’t worry. Landwork Contractors have specialist waiting to help. Here are just a few things you should consider including in your lawn care plan. 

lawn mowing
  • Irrigation
  • Seasonal Seeding 
  • Fall Aeration
  • Pest Control 
  • Weeding 
  • Drainage Solutions
  • Regular Mowing
  • Edging
  • Fertilization
  • Watering

A trusted expert will give you the services you need instead of adding unwanted options. 

If you’re ready to get started on your lawn care plan, call us today at 914-479-2537. Or, you can make an appointment online. Our experts are here to provide you with trusted lawn care services all year. 

Why You Should Invest in Professional Lawncare Service was last modified: June 1st, 2020 by Landwork Contractors