How to Add Curb Appeal to Your Home or Business

Professional Landscape Designs in Westchester, NY Make a Great First Impression

Landscaping Design

Curb appeal can make or break the value of your home. It can also encourage customers to come inside your office or turn them away. Landwork Contractors provides trusted landscape design services in Westchester and Putnam Counties that will attract buyers and clients. Did you know that a first impression is made in the first seven seconds? Make that first impression count with these landscape design ideas for your home or office. 

Keep it Tidy

A neat and tidy landscape assures guests that your home or office is also maintained. Try the following to maintain an uncluttered and pleasing appearance.

  • Trim and Mow Grass- Even if your office has a tiny patch of grass, you’ll want to keep it trimmed. Uneven lawns look like no one cared enough to tend to them. 
  • Prune- Trees that have water sprouts sticking out at odd angles or dead limbs dangling down look messy and unwanted. Show your guests you care by keeping up with your trees and shrubs. Professional pruning is the best bet since experts will know what and how to prune your plants.
  • Pick Up Debris- Scattered leaves, broken limbs and just random debris can turn a beautiful landscape into an eyesore. Make sure to pick up anything littering your landscaping.

Add Pops of Color

Even if you only have room for a few outdoor potted urns, add color to your office or home. Splashes of color naturally attract the eye. Make your home or office a focal point by:

  • Mulch- With a variety of colors, mulch is a great attention getter all year long. Adding a layer to small flower beds or even around bushes will create a beautiful effect that people will naturally be drawn to. 
  • Seasonal Flowers- Mix it up a little by adding different plants and flowers for each season. Your professional landscaper will be able to tell you which plants work for which season. 

Add Texture

evergreen trees planting

Besides adding color, create an eye-catching picture with different types of texture. You can do this with the following additions.

  • Bushes
  • Evergreen Trees
  • Ornamental Grasses
  • Assorted Pavers for Pathways
  • Stone or Brick Borders

Add Convenience and Comfort

Welcome your guests and clients in with hardscape additions for their convenience and comfort. Consider adding:

  • Benches
  • Retaining Wall Seating
  • Pathways
  • Driveways
  • Decks
  • Stairs

Creating curb appeal is easy when you know how. If you have more questions or are interested in renewing your landscape, the trusted team of landscapers at Landwork Contractors are here to help. Make an appointment online or call us today at 914-479-2537. 

Create Your Own Oasis with a Custom Crafted Pool Patio in Westchester and Putnam County

Professional Masons Give Top Tips for Pool Patio Design

pool pavers

Landwork Contractors has a team of skilled masons with over 300 years of combined experience who can make your dreams come alive.  They’re ready to share their expertise with you. Here are the top five tips we have for designing your pool patio

1) Decide How You’ll Use the Area

For many homeowners, the pool patio isn’t just for the pool. It’s also a place to eat, lounge, entertain, and storing equipment. So as you plan, think about all the things you want to include in your patio. Options include:

  • Fire Pits
  • Outdoor Kitchens
  • Grilling Stations
  • Full-Service Bar
  • Lounging Area
  • Playing Area
  • Storage and Organization

Understanding what you want out of your pool patio will help everything else fall into place. 

2) Layout and Size

Bluestone patio, Unilock Treo Tuscany Pool Patio4

Size and layout are very important as you start your hardscape design. Why have a pool patio if you can’t get any sun or have room for your grill? Professional designers can help you see all the angles so you have a patio that fits your needs. They’ll know what size you need and how to situate everything to suit your needs.  

3) Choose the Right Materials

Choosing the right materials can make or break a pool patio. Using custom crafted concrete, pavers or natural stone can help  you protect against slips and prevent cracking. Stick with lighter colored materials that will reflect not absorb the sun’s heat. Landwork Contractors is and Authorized Unilock Contractor so we use only the best materials. 

4) Don’t Forget Storage

You do not want a messy pool patio. People can trip or slip. It becomes a dangerous situation. Make sure you include storage for your pool tools, equipment, and accessories. Consider including:

  • Built-in Storage 
  • A Bathhouse
  • Storage House
  • Outdoor Furniture with Storage Compartments


5) Include Fencing

Fences will not only provide you with privacy, but it will also protect against unwanted guests like stray dogs and prevent drowning, especially with young children.

Build Your Dream Pool Patio Today

It isn’t too late to get your pool patio ready for summer. The team at Landwork Contractors have the skill and knowledge you need to create a beautiful backyard retreat for your home. Call us today at 914-479-2537 or make an appointment online. You’ll be relaxing by the water in no time.

How Do You Water Your Lawn for Summer?

Professional Landscapers In Westchester Provide Secrets to a Lush Lawn

Keeping lawns lush and healthy during the summer can be a fulltime job. The trusted team of professional lawn care experts at Landwork Contractors answers. We’re here to help you care for and maintain your lawn during these hot, dry months. Here are our secrets to a vibrant, green lawn. 

Water In the Early Morning 

The earlier in the day you water your lawn provides a lot of benefits for your grass. Here’s why. 

  1. Lower temperatures all water to reach root systems before the heat and air dry it up. 
  2. You’ll conserve water and money since evaporation will be lower. 
  3. You’ll have less runoff seeping off of your grass.
  4. Water will have time to sink in and dry out before nightfall, protecting your lawn from the mold.

Provide At least 1”-1 ½” of Water Each Week 

Your lawn needs an inch or an inch and a half of water every week at least. Use a water gauge to measure the amount of water from sprinklers or hoses. Don’t have one? Use a can and a ruler to create a homemade water gauge and place it in your lawn while the sprinklers run. 

Water a Few Times a Week

If you water daily, you can create a shallow and weak root system. A deep watering a few times each week will help your grass develop stronger roots, making it more resistant to dry spells. 

Water More During Hot Spells

Your lawn can be severely damaged when temperatures start to soar. During dry spells, make sure you raise the blades on your mower for a higher cut, then water your grass a little every day to help it cool off. 

Watch for Run Off and Overflow

If you see that water is streaming off the lawn into gutters or streets, stop watering and allow the water to soak in. Wait a few minutes then continue to water. If you see this happening a lot, it could be a sign of impaction 

fresh cut green lawn

Professional Lawn Care in Westchester and Putnam Counties

Seeking the help of a lawn care professional will help you keep your yard looking lush and healthy. The team at Landwork Contractors have over 18 years of lawn care experience, let us handle the hard work for you. Call our experts today at 914-479-2537 or make an appointment online

How to Design Your Dream BBQ Center

Professional Hardscaping in Westchester County Brings Cookouts to Life

Who doesn’t love summertime cookouts and barbeques? They are one of the best parts of the season. Imagine having your own BBQ of grilling center, complete with everything you need to deliver the perfect steak. What do you see when you envision your perfect outdoor cooking space? The team at Landwork Contractors can make that dream come true with our skilled team of masons. Not sure where to start? Here’s how to get started on your BBQ Center design.

What Are Your Favorite Foods?

What you love to eat can help you decide what you need to put into your design plan. If you don’t enjoy slow cooking, you might want a smaller grill. If you love s’mores, you might want to add a fire pit or fire place. A few options to consider include:

  • Built-In Grill
  • Pizza Oven
  • Outdoor Stove
  • Free Standing Grill Station
  • Outdoor Refrigerators
  • Outdoor Prep Stations

Include areas to prepare your food and a refrigerator for drinks. You’ll spend a lot less time going in and out of the house and a lot more time enjoying your barbeque.

Who’s On Your Guest List?

The number and type of guests you have can help you choose features that will work for you. Keep in mind the age and interests of the people you usually spend time with, including your children. Consider the following options:

Large Groups:

stone back yard patio
  • Plenty of Built-In Seating
  • Ledges or Tables to Eat From
  • Wide Pathways
  • Built-In Sink
  • Built-In Fridge
  • Built-In Storage

Small Groups:

  • Intimate or Close Seating
  • Smaller Pathways
  • Medium Sized Grills

Adult Guests:

  • Bar Area
  • Wine Racks
  • Contemporary Fire Pits
  • Fire Places
  • Water Features

For Young Guests:

  • Wide Open Areas for Play
  • Wide Paths
  • Separate Zones for Cooking and Eating
  • Rounded Edges
  • Built In Seating and Eating Areas

Think about your guests and make decisions that will make entertaining easier. Including an outdoor sink and some storage are great options for people who enjoy entertaining regularly.

How Much Space Do You Have?

Patio, Steps and Fire Pit Installation15

A lot can be done in a small space if planned properly. Using design options like retaining wall seating or grading and leveling can maximize space or create new space.

Whatever BBQ Center design you are dreaming of, we’re here to make it happen. Call Landwork Contractors to get started today. You can reach us at 914-479-2537 or make an appointment online. We’ll have you grilling out in no time.

Tips for the June Gardening

Tips for the June GardeningProfessional Landscapers Get You Ready for the Busiest Garden Season of the Year

Green Grass

June is the peak time for gardening. From pruning to planting to mowing, there’s a lot of landscaping to be done during this month. How you take care of your garden in June will decide how well your landscaping will do during the next brutal months of summer.  Landwork Contractors has been providing trusted professional landscape maintenance and pruning in the Westchester and Putnam County area for over 18 years. Here are some of our best tips for this busy season.

Mulch- You’ll save time and energy when you choose to add mulch to your garden beds. Mulch simply makes your gardening chores easier. Benefits include:

  • Reduces Weeding
  • Stabilizes Soil Temperatures
  • Protects Against Bugs
  • Protects Against Disease
  • Protects Against Sudden Changes in Temperature
  • Provides Extra Nutrients
  • Prevents Erosion
  • Lowers Water Usage By Keeping Moisture In the Soil

You’ll spend less time bending over your garden and that helps a lot during peak garden season. A professional landscaper can help you know where to mulch and how much mulch to use.

Installing Plants- It isn’t too late to plant certain bushes, shrubs, and of course fruits and vegetables. However, you need to get everything planted early in June. Plants will need to have for their roots to establish before rain slows down and your soil is hotter and drier. Consider adding plants like:

sales team - LandworkContractors
  • Hydrangeas
  • Oleander
  • Roses
  • Spriea
  • Lilac
  • Forsythea
  • Bradford Pear Trees
  • Crab Apple Trees

Just a few extra plants can make your summer garden come to life.

Watering- Even when it rains regularly, you need to keep track of how much you water your plants. New plantings will need routine watering to provide a uniform moisture level. You definitely don’t want to over water but make sure the moisture gets down deep into the soil to reach the roots. Dry soil creates short roots that will make your plants susceptible to drought and disease.

shaped evergreen shrub

Pruning- One of the most important and most often confusing garden tasks is pruning. You have to understand when to prune, what to prune, and how to prune or you could destroy your plants.  During June, you want to pay special attention to the following plants:

  • Perennials
  • Shrubs
  • Trees
  • Woody Flowering Bushes Like Hydrangeas
  • Rose Bushes

Some plants will need to be cut back to the stem and others need a gentle pinching. A professional landscaper will understand what each plant needs.  

Landwork Contractors understands the grueling work and special skill that goes into creating and maintaining beautiful landscaping. Save yourself the time, money, and sweat. Leave the June garden tasks to us. Call us today at 914-479-2537 or make an appointment today.

The Importance of Professional Lawn Care in Putnam and Westchester County

mowing grass

Your lawn is a lot more than just a place to play or relax. It is actually your home’s first defense against insects, pests, rot, mold, and erosion. Taking care of your lawn is vital to the health of your home. Lawn care experts at Landwork Contractors take our lawn care seriously. We’ll work to provide you with the best lawn maintenance and care plans that include:

  • Professional Irrigation Techniques
  • Lawn Maintenance Strategies
  • Routine Mowing
  • Routine Seeding
  • Weeding and Pest Control
  • Drainage Solutions
  • Retaining Walls
  • Grading and Leveling

Our experts want to provide you with the right tools to keep your lawn healthy this summer. Here are just a few ways you can keep your lawn beautiful and thriving during hot summer months.

Understand the Right Way to Water

lawn maintenance

There is a right and a wrong way to water your grass. Knowing the difference could save you a lot of trouble.

  • Start Watering Grass Early In the Day- Before the temperatures get too hot, give your landscaping a quick spray. This gives your soil a chance to take in the water before the heat and sunlight dries it all away.
  • Don’t Drown Your Lawn- If you aren’t careful, you can drown your lawn with too much water. This lowers the amount of oxygen in your soil and can create mold.
  • Invest In a Water Gauge- Your grass needs to have around 1.5 feet of water each week. Use a water gauge or meter to measure how much you’re watering.
  • Create a Regular Watering Schedule– Grass needs to be watered twice a week at least. Create a schedule to  make sure you don’t miss routine watering.

Check for Problem Areas

Your lawn can have problem areas just like any other part of your home. Take a walk around your lawn and look for:

  • Brown, Dry Patches
  • Dark, Soggy Areas
  • Grass That Doesn’t Bounce Back
  • Weeds
  • Insects
  • Silt or Erosion Issues

If you notice any of these issues, contact your trusted landscapers and they can help you stop small issues before they become big problems.

Use Fertilizer Sparingly

Unilock Beacon Hill NY Blend Patio Installation1

A lot of homeowners simply do not understand how to use fertilizer. Often times, they end up damaging their grass. They’ll either put too much or too little on their yard. They also don’t understand that each type of fertilizer carries different nutrients, chemicals, and additives. Educate yourself or leave the fertilizing to the professionals.

Have more questions? Contact the lawn care experts at Landwork Contractors today. Call 914-479-2537 or make an appointment online. We’re ready to bring your lawn back to life.

Preparing for Summer with Hardscape Installations

Professional Hardscaping Designs for Summer

Pool Patio and Bluestone Steppers2

Spring is the perfect time to plan for summer hardscaping projects. By planning early, you can have your home ready just in time for summer fun. The masonry team at Landwork Contractors are skilled experts with over 300 years of combined experience. Here are just a few options for hardscaping additions for your home this summer.


A well-built fence can add a lot of benefits to your home including:

  • Privacy
  • Protects Against Elements
  • Noise Reduction
  • Added Value To Your Home
  • Provides Security

Our team of design experts can help you create a fence that fits your needs and your personal style.  For increased protection and noise reduction, choose vinyl and/or wood materials. If you want to add drama or create a classic aesthetic, wrought iron or cedar are great options.

Pathways and Steps


Homes or offices without designated pathways allow for people to walk through sensitive landscape designs or bumpy lawns where they can hurt themselves or damage your lawn. As Authorized Unilock Contractors, we use only top quality pavers and materials. With their endless design options, Unilock results are breathtaking and durable.

Pool Patios

Imagine sitting outside next to the pool with a book and a nice cold drink. A custom built pool patio can create a safe place to relax and bring an added touch of sophistication. Consider adding:

Refresh Your Driveway

Bluestone patio, Unilock Treo Tuscany Pool Patio3

Early summer is the perfect time to repave your driveway or create a new driveway with paver stones. You’ll never have to sacrifice beauty when you use Unilock pavers. Your guests will feel safe and love your new design.

Defined Bordering

Adding a border provides many benefits for your home, like:

  • Provides Protection for Plants
  • Keeps Mulch In Place
  • Protects Against Erosion
  • Protects Against Pooling and Puddling
  • Creates Curb Appeal.

Use retaining walls, wood, natural stones, stone pavers, or pathways to create the perfect borders for your home.

All of these options can easily be added before summer when you start your hardscape design plans now. The team at Landwork Contractors are ready to help you get your home or office ready for summer now. Call us today at 914-479-2537 or request an appointment online. We’ll get started right away.

Transform Your Landscaping With Spring Seeding

Professional Landscapers in Westchester County Bring Spring to Your Home or Office

new green grass field

After a long, cold winter, your soil is finally starting to wake up with a bounty of minerals and nutrients for new plants. April is the perfect time to start working on your plan for your spring garden and lawn. The team at Landwork Contractors are ready to help you with a wide range of services like:

  • Spring Plantings
  • Lawn and Sod Installations
  • Landscape Maintenance
  • Landscape Design
  • Lawn Maintenance
  • Drainage Solutions
  • Hardscape Design
  • Patios and Walkways

We have skilled teams of experts ready to help you refresh your landscaping this spring. Here are just a few of the ways you can transform your landscaping with spring seeding this year.

Bring Lawns Back to Life

fall trimming on the big property

Winter can destroy your lawn deep into the soil. You might notice things like:

  • Dry Brown Patches
  • Frost Damage Patches
  • Wet, Soggy Areas
  • Flat, Impacted Grass
  • Bare, Sparse Grass

When you choose to seed in spring, you are essentially bringing your lawn back to life. New seeds will be able to take advantage of the rich nutrients in the soil and take root before the harsh, hot weather of summer settles in.

Protect Your Lawn and Garden Against Disease

Unhealthy plants invite pests and infections in, destroying your beautiful landscaping and possibly damaging your property. When you put down new seeds, your professional landscaper will carefully prepare the soil and root out any problem areas. New grass will grow up strong and healthy, essentially protecting the rest of your landscape from invading pests and diseases.

Protect Against Erosion

Bare, matted areas of grass have been laying under a heavy layer of snow and ice all winter, creating no barrier to run off or rain. As spring heads in, those heavy rains will erode your landscaping and could even damage the foundation of your home. There are many options to correct this, including:

Pool Patio and Bluestone Steppers7

All of these options will help stop the constant flow of water and keep your landscaping intact.

If you have more questions about spring seeding or spring planting for your home or office, the team at Landwork Contractors are here to help. We have over 18 years of experience in the Westchester and Putnam County area. Call us today at 914-479-2537 or make an appointment online.

Pest Prevention Steps That Save Your Garden

Expert Lawn Maintenance In Putnam and Westchester Counties Protect Your Home From Pests

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As spring comes in, all those sleeping insects and pests start to come out. These pesky critters can eat your favorite plants, wreck your grass, and spread disease in your gardens. Landwork Contractors is here to solve your pest problems with practical solutions. We know just how to protect your lawn and landscaping from pests. Don’t leave your lawn exposed to pest, follow these easy solutions for common pest problems.

Voles- These tiny rodents love your fruit trees almost as much as you do. They also enjoy scavenging scraps from your birdfeeders. Voles will create an ugly patchwork of holes all over your lawn. Their tunnels wreak havoc on your soil and destroy your shrubs. They also invite more pests, insects, and even disease to your landscaping.

Solution- Remove voles is as simple as taking a few preventative steps.

  • Remove hiding places like woodpiles or high grasses from your garden.
  • Keep your lawn maintained to discourage voles from coming into your yard and garden.
  • Place birdfeeders away from your house.
  • Regularly pick up fallen seed under the feeder.
  • Do not place too much mulch around plants and in your mulch beds.

Deer- Seeing deer on the lawn in the early morning can be a beautiful sight. However, watching them destroy your trees and bushes can be a disaster. Deer like to nibble at your trees and bushes, rub your trees bare, and attract other pests and predators.

Solution- Different solutions can be used to keep deer out of your landscaping. You can do any of the following:

  • Plant deer resistant plants that have strong scents, fuzzy or furry leaves or spikey blooms.
  • Have our experts install deer protective fencing to wrap around your trees and bushes to prevent nibbles and rubbing.
  • Install privacy fencing around your home, especially near forests and open landscapes.

Rabbits-Everyone loves soft and fuzzy bunnies until they are ruining your landscape and destroying your lawn. Rabbits leave droppings throughout your lawn, make large brown spots from their waste, and nibble up all your best plants and bushes.

Solution-Since rabbits like to hide, you can treat them like voles.

  • Remove hiding places, including high grasses, woodpiles, and dead leaves.
  • Keep your landscaping trimmed.
  • Provide proper fencing for your gardens and yard.
  • Plant pest resistant plants.

Professional Lawn Maintenance Keeps Pests Away

White Vinyl Fence with picket tops3

Keeping your landscaping beautiful requires regular care and prevention. The team at Landwork Contractors is here to provide you with all the help you need to keep the pests out. Call us today at 914-479-2537 or make an appointment online today.

10 Benefits of Aerating Your Lawn in Fall

Professional Aeration Services in Westchester County Give You a Lawn You’ll Love

new sod installation completed with mown lawnOne of the best ways to keep a lawn lush and beautiful is Aeration. Landwork Contractors has come up with a quick list of the top ten benefits of aeration to get your lawn in beautiful shape.

What is Aeration?

Aeration is the term for removing pieces of soil and grass in your lawn. Experts carefully remove plugs of compacted grass and soil, creating tiny holes in the ground. This process helps air, water, sunlight, and nourishment to reach down deep into the soil.


The benefits of aerations can completely transform a dry and dying lawn. Here are the top ten benefits of aeration according to our experts at Landwork Contractors.

  1. Promotes Stronger Root Growth– After aeration, sunlight, water, and nutrients can better reach the roots of your grass. The result is cushiony grass that is stronger, greener, and more vibrant.
  2. Reduces Harmful Compaction– After months of heavy traffic or dry conditions, your soil can get packed tightly together. Aeration opens up the soil to reduce compaction.
  3. Lowers Lawn Maintenance Needs– Grass that is stronger and healthier will naturally require less maintenance.
  4. Improves Oxygen Levels in the Soil– Aeration creates areas where oxygen can pass through the soil, reaching more roots.
  5. Improves Sunlight Intake – Sunlight gets blocked out by impacted grass. Aerating will increase sunlight levels and create healthier grass.
  6. black sprouting soilEncourages New Growth– With all those wonderful nutrients, oxygen, and water, aerated soil is more likely to accept and encourage new growth.
  7. Decreases Run-Off and Pooling/Puddling– Aeration helps the ground soak in the right amount of water instead of having it puddle on the top of the soil. Creating proper drainage also lowers disease and decay in your lawn.
  8. Improves Resistance to Heat and Stress– As the soil soaks in nutrients and water, it is able to stand up to heat and stress better.
  9. Improves the Breakdown of Thatch– A layer of thatch, (dead grass and debris that gathers at the top of soil)  can destroy a lawn. Aeration breaks up the thatch and encourages proper deterioration of leftover thatch.
  10. Reduces Disease– When left alone, thatch creates a perfect environment for disease and decay. Aeration disrupts the accumulation of thatch and helps protect against disease.

If you have questions about aerating your lawn, Landwork Contractors has the answers. Call us today at 914-479-2537, or make an appointment online. Your lawn will be green and gorgeous in no time.